Objective To establish the method for extremity dose measuring for interventional staff, and compare the ex- tremity dose to interventional staff on traditional interventional devices with single X - ray tube to that on the new devices with double tubes, and thus support the monitoring of the doses and the improvement of the radiological protection. Methods Thethermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD) were calibrated with personal dose equivalent Hp ( 0.07 ). The extremity doses of 231 person - time from 4 kinds of interventional procedures were measured on 2 interventional devices with single X - ray tube and 3 devices with double X - ray tubes. The doses obtained on different kinds of interventional devices were analyzed. Results The TLD shows good linear fitting with Hp (0.07) calibration. The extremity doses, which in the therapeutic procedures were higher than those in the graphic ones, perform positively relevance to the exposure time. Comparing the same kind of interven- tional procedures on devices with double and single X - ray tubes, the former shows shorter exposure time with higher extremity dose to interventional staff than the latter. Conclusion The interventional devices with double X - ray tubes significantly im- prove the et-ciency of the interventional procedures while increase the dose to interventional staff. The radiological protection should be strengthened to protect the health of the interventional staff.
Chinese Journal of Radiological Health