以《高等学校化学学报》和《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》为例,对作者的学术不端行为做了总结与归纳,并梳理了我们采取的一些措施,以与编辑同人交流,提供判别学术不端行为的现实依据,期望科研工作者能够不断提高对学术不端行为的认识并进行自我纠正。希望编辑发挥自身优势,当好杜绝学术不端行为的"守门员",不断促进学术生态的净化,还科研环境原生态。
This paper provides some samples for judging academic misconduct based on the case analyses in our work, in a hope to improve the scientific researchers' understanding of academic misconduct and minimize such dishonesty. By summing up and analyzing the cases of academic misconduct, setting up effective rules to disclose academic misconduct and promoting the purification of academic ecology, we also hope to create a health environment for scientific research. We believe that through the hard work of sci-tech editors, the academic misconduct will be controlled and minimized in the future.
Acta Editologica