After a failure of compiling an official annalistic history of Koryo, the Choson government in King Se-chong period eventually accomplished the compilation of a 139 volume Jizhuan( 纪传) style Koryo history. Entitled Koryo-sa, this work was considered a major effort to shape the legitimacy of the Choson dynasty. Concerning the Yuan eastern expeditions against Japan, this book emphasized the self-determination of Koryo and its skillful dealings with the Yuan, recorded Koryo's supply of food and labors during the war in details, and mentioned all people of Koryo background serving in the Yuan government as traitors. By the Annals of King Zhong-lie and the Biography of Kim Fangqin, Koryo-sa portrayed two Koryo generals as the heroes of the war, while the self-willed Mongolian commanders and the storms were told the factors responsible for the failure of the expeditions. Since this kind of description is obviously biased when the Chinese and Japanese historical books are equally examined, it is suggested that researchers need to take a broader perspective instead of a one nation point of view in the study of East Asian history.
The Journal of Ancient Civilizations