
投喂蚕豆和脆化专用配合饲料对草鱼生长性能及肌肉品质的影响 被引量:6

Effects of compound feed with oaked beans and embrittlement on growth performance and muscle quality in Ctenopharynodon idellus
摘要 以浸泡蚕豆和脆化专用配合饲料投喂平均规格为3.0~4.5 kg/尾的草鱼,观察其对草鱼生长性能、肌肉品质、口感的影响,以及对水体中氮、磷排放量的影响。A组为土池养殖,投喂浸泡蚕豆120 d,增重率为35.56%,饲料系数4.8;B组为网箱养殖,投喂浸泡蚕豆125 d,增重率为54.67%,饲料系数4.7;C组为网箱养殖,投喂草鱼脆化专用配合饲料110 d,增重率为65.00%,饲料系数3.15。试验结果表明:与投喂草鱼脆化专用配合饲料相比,投喂浸泡蚕豆显著降低了草鱼生长性能(P<0.05),草鱼增重率降低,饲料系数提高。三组草鱼肌肉常规营养成分差异不显著(P>0.05),与普通草鱼相比,粗脂肪含量降低,羟脯氨酸及胶原蛋白含量显著提高(P<0.05),同时显著降低了草鱼肌肉滴水损失(P<0.05)。感官检验中,三组鱼片均比普通草鱼耐煮且风味独特。投喂脆化专用配合饲料组比投喂蚕豆组氮的排放量减少14.5%~21.7%,磷的排放量减少15.5%~20.6%。由此可见,投喂草鱼脆化专用配合饲料可显著提高草鱼生长性能和肌肉品质,减少氮、磷排放量,减轻对养殖水体的污染。 The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of growth performance and muscle quality and mouth feel,as well as the influence of the output of nitrogen and phosphorus to water after feeding the average size of 3.0 - 4.5 kg/ tail grass carp with soaked broad beans and embrittlement feed.Group A was aquaculture pond,the rate of weight gain was 35.56%,and the feed coefficient was 4.8 after feeding the soaking beans for 120 d ; Group B was cage culture, the rate of weight gain was 54.67%,and the feed coefficient was 4.7 after feeding the soaking beans for 125 d ;Group C was cage cul-ture, the rate of weight gain was 65.00%, and the feed coefficient was 3.15 after feeding the embrittlement feed for 110 d. The feeding trial shows that the growth performance of grass carp with feeding soaking bean was significantly decreased compared with feeding embrittlement feed(P 〈 0.05) the rate of weight gain was reduced and the feed coefficient was in-creased. There was no significant difference on the muscle composition between three grass carps (P 〈 0.05).Compared with ordinary grass carp, the crude fat content was reduced the hydroxyproline and collagen content was increased signifi- cantly(P 〈0.05) and the muscle drip loss was significantly reduced(P 〈 0.05).By sensory test, three groups of the crisped grass carp were more boilproofer and unique flavorer than ordinary grass carp.The output of nitrogen and phosphorus were decreased by 14.5% -21.7% and 15.5% -20.6% respectively in the group of feeding the embrittlement feed.So feedingembrittlement feed could significantly improve the growth performance and muscle quality of grass carp and significantly decreased the output of nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as reduce the pollution to aquaculture waters.
作者 梁萍
出处 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2017年第18期33-37,共5页 China Feed
基金 福建省发改委农业"五新"工程项目(闽发改投资[2012]931号)
关键词 草鱼 脆化 配合饲料 蚕豆 生长性能 肌肉品质 grass carp embrittlement compound feed broad bean growth performance muscle quality
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