

Geopolitical crisis caused by THAAD's entry into Korea and analysis of China's countermeasures
摘要 2016年年初以来,朝鲜先后进行了第四次、第五次核试验,在此背景下,韩国国防部宣布,韩美同意在韩国部署末段高空区域防御系统——"萨德"导弹防御系统,朝鲜半岛地区风云再起。美韩此举使原本不安的东北亚局势更加紧张,诱发并恶化着东北亚地区大国家间潜存的"安全困境"。韩国决定部署"萨德"不仅严重僵化了中韩的国际关系,使得原本对峙局面下的朝韩两国局势更加紧张,更破坏了东北亚军事战略均衡,地区"新冷战"格局逐步形成。 Since the beginning of last year, North Korea has conducted the fourth, fifth nuclear test. In this context, the South Korean Defense Ministry announced that South Korea and the United States agreed to deploy THAAD - "Sade" missile defense system in South Korea. Hence the Korean Peninsula tension has grown. The move by the US and South Korea has further strained the situation in Northeast Asia, which has caused and deepened the "security dilemma" between the big countries in Northeast Asia. South Korea's decision to deploy "THAAD" has not only seriously undermined the friendly relations between China and South Korea, which was under confrontation between Korean tensions in Northeast Asia but also destroyed the the peace and military strategic equilibrium since "cold war". The area gradually formed the pattern of "new Cold War".
作者 曹庭
机构地区 洛阳外国语学院
出处 《国防科技》 2017年第4期63-67,共5页 National Defense Technology
关键词 “萨德”系统 作战效能 东北亚 地缘政治 中国战略 THAAD operational effectiveness Northeast Asia geopolitics China strategy
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