
残疾人高考的合理便利原则研究 被引量:9

A Study on the Principle of Reasonable Accommodation for the College Entrance Examination of Persons with disabilities
摘要 合理便利是联合国《残疾人权利公约》的核心概念之一,具有反歧视和保障残疾人权利的双重价值。在中国,只有教育部与中国残疾人联合会联合发布的《残疾人参加普通高等学校招生全国统一考试管理规定》明确提出要为残疾考生提供合理便利。具体而言,合理便利原则在残疾人参加普通高考中的应用历经破冰、实践和发展三个阶段,但如今依然面临着诸如概念晦涩难懂、实践障碍较多、形式平等与实质平等难以界定、技术保障水平较低等问题。 Reasonable accommodation is one of the core concepts of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and has dual values of anti-discrimination and the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities. In China, only the "disabled people to participate in the general institutions of higher education enrollment national unified examination management regulations(temporary)" which issued by Ministry of Education and the China Disabled Persons' Federation jointly, clearly proposed for the disabled candidates to provide reasonable accommodation. In particular, the application of the principle of "reasonable accommodation " to the participation of persons with disabilities in the general college entrance examination has gone through three stages of icebreaking, practice and development, but still faces difficulties such as understanding and practice of the concept, definition of formal equality and substantive equality, and low level of technical support.
作者 梅运彬 王珊珊 Mei Yun-bin Wang Shan-shan
出处 《残疾人研究》 CSSCI 2017年第3期57-62,共6页 Disability Research
基金 湖北省教育科学规划2016年度重点课题"残疾人参加普通高考的合理便利及其实践研究"(2016GA011)
关键词 合理便利 残疾人 普通高考 Reasonable accommodation The disabled General college entrance examination
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  • 1[法]卡雷尔·瓦萨克.《人权的不同类型》[A].郑永流主编.《法哲学与法社会学论丛》第4卷[C].中国政法大学出版社,2001年版.第468-469页.
  • 2http://treaties.Illl.org/Pages/ViewDetails,lastvisitedONOct.23,2015.
  • 3Gerard Quinn and Charles O' Mony, "Disability and Human Rights:A New Field in the United Nations", in C. Krause and M. Scheinin (eds.) ,Inerw.al Protects. of Human Rights:A Text Book (Turk,L/Abo:Abo Academi University Institute for Human Rights,2"d revised edn ,2012), p. 269.
  • 4Rosemary Kayess and Philip French," Out of Darkness into Light : Introducing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" , (2008) 8.
  • 5Human Rights Law Review, pp. 1 - 34.
  • 6Gerard Quinn mad Charles O' Mahony, "Disability and Human Rights : A New Field in the United Nations", in C. Krause and M. Scheinin (eds.), International Protection of Human Rights :A Text Book (Turku/Abo:Abo Academi UnivErsity Institute for Human Rights.2" revised edn, 2012) ,p. 275.
  • 7《残疾人参加普通高等学校招生全国统-考试管理规定(暂行)》,新华网,http://education.news.cn/2015-05/15/c-127804329.htm.
  • 8Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, http ://www. un. org/esa/socdev/enable/rights/adhoccom, htm (last visited on Oct. 11,2015.
  • 9Reasonable accommodation means necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments not imposing a dispropor- tionate or undue burden,where needed in a particular case, to ensure to persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms .
  • 10http ://www. un. org/esa/socdev/enable/rights/abcwgreporta7, htm( last visited on Jun. 11,2015 ).










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