
关于高考改革取向的思考 被引量:6

Reflections on the Orientation of the College Entrance Examination Reform
摘要 高考改革取向影响着高考改革的预期目标和改革政策的制定。在理念层面,高考改革应坚持以人为本的目标取向、公平至上的价值取向和稳中求进的过程取向;在制度设计层面,高考模式的改革应坚持统分结合的原则取向,招录制度的改革应采取刚柔相济的策略取向。高考改革五个方面的取向之间是彼此关联、相互影响、互相促进、不可分离的有机整体,其中"公平至上"是前提,"以人为本"是目的,"稳中求进"是方法,"统分结合"是手段,"刚柔相济"是策略。五个方面必须同时兼顾,才能相得益彰,最终将高考改革导入正确轨道。 The orientation of the College Entrance Examination reform determines the expected outcome as well as the formulation of the reform policies. At the conceptual level, the College Entrance Examination reform should be people-oriented in terms of its goal, attach utmost importance to fairness in terms of its value and push forward while maintaining stability in terms of its procedure. At the level of system design, a combined approach of centralization along with decentralization should be taken in terms of its principle, and force should be tempered with grace in terms of its strategy. The five interconnected aspects of the orientation, while affecting and promoting each other, form an inseparable organic whole, in which, obviously, fairness is the premise, people-orientedness is the purpose, ensuring steady progress is the method, combining centralization with decentralization is the means,and tempering force with grace is the strategy. Above all, all the five aspects must be taken into account during the reform. Only then can they bring out the best in each other and put the reform on the right track.
出处 《中国考试》 2017年第10期1-6,共6页 journal of China Examinations
基金 国家社科基金课题"转型与构建:高考制度现代化研究"(批准号:CAA140117)的研究成果之一
关键词 高考 高考改革 考试招生制度改革 教育公平 College Entrance Examination College Entrance Examination Reform Examination and EnrollmentSystem Reform Education Equity
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