根据野外调查和相关资料整理,对潮汕地区木本植物区系的基本情况、优势科、种的区系成分进行了调查分析。结果表明:潮汕地区木本植物区系组成十分丰富,共有木本植物1 315种,隶属114科418属,其中裸子植物7科13属18种,被子植物107科405属1 297种。以乔木种类居多,计676种,占总种数的51.4%,而木质藤本最少,只有174种,占13.2%;潮汕地区木本植物区系的性质具有明显的热带-亚热带性质,与热带植物区系联系强于温带地区;在种的水平上,特有种类较多,计825种,其中中国特有11种,中国温带-热带亚热带特有29种,中国热带亚热带特有785种。
Based on field investigation and related materials, floristic basic information, dominant family and floral component of species about woody plants in Chaoshan area were statistically analyzed. Result shows that there are totally 1 315 species of woody plants belonging to 418 genera and 114 families in Chaoshan area,among which there are 18 gymnosperm species belonging to 13 genera,7 families,and 1 297 angiosperm species belonging to 405 gene- ra,107 families. Most of the species are arbors , the number of which is 676 , accounting for 51. 4 % .There are only 174 species of vines,accounting for 13. 2% , which is the least. The woody flora of Chaoshan area basically consisted of tropical to subtropical elements. At the level of species,endemic species of woody plant have large numbers,a- mong which there are 11 endemic species in China, 29 temperate to tropical subtropical endemic species in China, 785 tropical subtropical endemic species in China.
Protection Forest Science and Technology