本文通过投入产出法测算了2000—2012年我国钢铁贸易进出口隐含碳,发现:(1)我国钢铁贸易的碳排放系数整体上呈下降趋势,直接碳排放强度从1.1557下降到0.6589,完全碳排放系数由2.2715降到1.6778,降幅巨大,反映了我国钢铁行业技术水平的进步和能源利用效率的提高;(2)2003年后出口隐含碳随钢铁出口量的增加逐年上升于2007年达到顶峰,进口隐含碳随进口量减少而下降,2005—2007年隐含碳出口增幅较大且增幅大于钢铁出口量,2008年的金融危机使隐含碳出口量随钢铁出口量下降而大幅减少,2009年钢铁出口隐含碳缓慢上升;(3)我国于2006年由钢铁贸易隐含碳净进口国变为净出口国,2007年净出口隐含碳量最大,达8 714.8万吨。因此在国际谈判中,我国要以更加积极的姿态参与其中,合理界定中国在全球温室气体减排中的责任,从容应对来自国外的碳减排压力。
This paper calculates the embodied carbon in China's import and export of iron and steel from2000 to 2012 by applying the input-output method. The result shows that:( 1) The carbon emission factor of China's iron and steel trade is on the overall decline from 2000 to 2012,the direct carbon emission intensity dropped from 1. 1557 to 0. 6589,and the total carbon emission coefficient fell from 2. 2715 to 1.6778. The huge decline reflects the technological advance and improvement of the energy efficiency in china.( 2) After 2003,with the increasing export volume of iron and steel,theexport of embodied carbon increased year by year and peaked in 2007,while theimport of embodied carbon decreases with a decrease in import volume of iron and steel. From 2005 to 2007 the export growth of embodied carbon is greater than the export volume of iron and steel. Due to the financial crisis in 2008,exports of embodied carbon fall sharply with the decline in iron and steel exports and rise slowly in 2009.( 3) In 2006 China has become a net exporter of embodied carbon in iron and steel tradeand surged to 87. 148 million tons in 2007.Based on the aove analysis,this paper suggests that we should develop the clean energy so as to optimize the structure of the steel industry and reasonably define China's role in global greenhouse gas emission reduction.
Journal of Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics
iron and steel tra d e
embodied carbon
input - output method