
西部高校人文社会科学研究的文献计量学统计分析——以内蒙古大学中文期刊发文量为例 被引量:1

A Bibliometric Analysis of Researches in Humanistic and Social Sciences of Universities in West China——A Case Study of Chinese Papers Published by Inner Mongolia University
摘要 内蒙古大学人文社会科学类论文的整体发文量虽在逐年快速增加,但北大核刊的论文量增速相对缓慢,而CSSCI收录的论文量则呈现增减不定的状态;各个学科在不同学术水平层面上的表现虽各不相同,但都立足本地区和主体少数民族的各项事业;基金项目资助的论文在学校人文社会科学整体研究中发挥了很大作用,但在更高学术水平层次上的作用却未见显现。 Using Chinese Superstar Knowledge Discovery system, from the aspects of the total number of papers published, average number per autumn, subject distribution, keywords, fund support and so on, this paper statistically analyzes the academic papers in humanistic and social sciences published on Chinese Journals by scholars of Inner Mongolia University since 2000. The result shows that the total number of papers published has been increased year by year, with the number of papers published in the core journals of Beijing University increasing slowly and that in the journals of China Social Science Citation In- dex fluctuating every year. Different disciplines perform differently on different academic levels, but the focus is on different un- dertakings of the region and the ethnic minorities. Funded papers play an important role in the humanistic and social sciences but the increase of the number of high-quality papers is not obvious and stable.
作者 魏志玲 郑慧淑 WEI Zhi-ling Zheng Hui-shu(Library of Inner Mongolia Normal University Academic Journal of lnner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot 010022, China)
出处 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第5期108-112,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 内蒙古师范大学科研基金项目(项目批准号:2015YBXM053) 内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究项目(项目批准号:NJTZ1702)
关键词 内蒙古大学 人文社会科学 发文量 被引频次 学科分布 文献计量学 Inner Mongolia University humanistic and social sciences total number of papers published citation frequency of papers subject distribution bibliometrics
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