
与中国相遇的现代早期西方法哲学规范性、权威和国际秩序 被引量:5

The Encounter between Western Legal Philosophy and China Normativity, Authority, and World Order in the Early Modern Era
摘要 本文通过分析16世纪中叶至17世纪来华传教士的中文著译,围绕着规范性、权威、国际秩序等关键词,研究了与中国初次相遇的现代早期西方法哲学之内容。和美洲的实践不同,传教士在中国坚持否定"理"而暂不攻击制礼作乐的具体圣贤。当时西方法哲学常谈及保位、爱民,甚至抗命、弑君等话题。来华传教士作品对前一部分有所介绍,中方不以为忤;但传教士对后一部分却完全缄默不语。这一时期的欧洲人已经把非西方世界概视为野蛮,好在来华传教士作品内中西彼此仍以等量"文明"相待。来华传教士并不讳言西方流行的自然法观念,但基本忽略了作为现代国际法起源的万民法。对自由贸易和正义战争等新鲜理论,来华传教士时有宣传,却未得到中方系统回应。 This article explores the content of Western legal philosophy introduced by the Jesuit mis- sionaries to China in the early modern era. The Jesuits had abundant writings and translated materials, in the Chinese language, in exposition of the ideas of normativity, authority, and the world order. In China, they consistently denied the normative nature of ‘Li (理)’, but had reluctantly avoided any direct criti- cism towards the Confucian sages enshrined as ancient legislators in East Asia. Western contemporary philosophers had had extensive debates on the vices and virtues of a monarchy, and also on the topics of disobedience and tyrannicide. In China, the missionaries had occasional conversations with their counter- parts on the former topics, but remained cautious reticence on the latter in the context of a severely pow- erful autocracy. The missionaries did not regard China as a non--European savagery society, but rightful- ly, an equal civilization to their own. There was no hesitation in propagating the notion of 'natural law' while in attempting not to displease the locals with different customs, the missionaries neglected presen- ting to the Chinese the conception of 'jus gentiurn ~, the origin of modern international law. With no in- terest on the Chinese side, unsurprisingly, the missionary advocacy of free trade and just war had also been doomed to a failure.
作者 屠凯
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《中外法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期1159-1179,共21页 Peking University Law Journal
关键词 法哲学 现代早期 规范性 权威 国际秩序 Legal Philosophy Early Modern Era Normativity Authority World Order
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