国家地下水监测工程由水利部和国土资源部联合建设,建设监测站20 401个,其中,水利部建设监测站10 298个,国土资源部建设监测站10 103个,有效监控面积达350×10~4km^2。站网布设遵循"满足需求、继承发展、全面布设、突出重点、方便管理、避免重复"的原则,在地下水开发利用、潜在开发利用和地质环境保护的平原、盆地等基本类型区进行全面布设;在地下水超采区、地下水饮用水水源地、南水北调中线受水区、海咸水入侵区等特殊类型区进行加密布设。通过国家地下水监测工程建设,全国监控区监测站平均布设密度达到5.8站/10~3km^2,站网布设基本满足现阶段对地下水资源的开发、利用、管理及地质环境保护等的需求。
The national groundwater monitoring project will jointly be finished by Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Land and Resources with 20 401 monitoring stations being built, in which 10 298 monitoring stations will built by Ministry of Water Resources and 10 103 monitoring stations will be built by Ministry of Land and Resources. The effective monitoring area is 350 ×10~4 km^2. The layout of the station network followsthe principle "meeting the needs, inheritance and development, overall layout, highlighting priorities, being convenient to manage, and avoiding repeated construction". The overall layout will be made in the areas of basic types, including plains and basins with the groundwater development and utilization, potential development and geological environment protection. The high density layout will bemade in the areas of special types, including the areas of groundwater overdraft and groundwater drinking water sources, areas along the middle line of the South-toNorth Water Transfer Project, and sea intrusion zone. According to the plan of the national groundwater monitoring project, the average density of the monitoring station network will reach 5.8 stations/10~3 km^2.The station network can basically meet the requirements of the development,utilization, management and geological environment protection of the groundwater resources.
Journal of China Hydrology
national groundwater monitoring project
network layout
principle and strategy