
CSpace机构知识库影音资源支持能力扩展研究与实践 被引量:5

Expanding Support Ability of CSpace for Audios and Videos Resources
摘要 【目的】提出机构知识库影音支持能力扩展方向,实现CSpace机构知识库影音支持能力扩展。【应用背景】影音知识资源在机构产出中所占比例不断增长,扩展机构知识库影音支持能力可更好地揭示、发现影音知识资源,挖掘和利用其学术研究价值和潜力。【方法】分析用户的应用需求和国内外机构知识库影音支持服务的发展趋势,构建机构知识库影音资源支持功能扩展框架,选择其中的关键技术和方法搭建实验平台,探索将其应用于CSpace系统的可行性。【结果】实现了影音格式转换、视频场景分析和具有场景导航功能的播放器。【结论】影音转码稳定性和效率较高,其他影音支持功能离实用还存在一定距离,将影音格式转换技术应用于CSpace机构知识库系统中,能够扩展机构知识库的影音支持服务。 [Objective] The paper aims to expand the supporting ability of the CSpace Institutional Repository for audios and videos. [Context] The ever-growing audios and videos resources, require us to expand the Institutional Repository's supporting ability, which help us retrieve knowledge and increase their academic values more effectively. [Methods] First, we analyzed the needs of users and the developments of Institutional Repository's audios and videos supporting services at home and abroad. Then, we constructed an extension framework for the supporting functions. Finally, we chose the key technologies and methods to build the experimental platform, and explored its feasibility in CSpace. [Results] The proposed method helped us change audios and videos clips' formats, analyze video scenes and develop a video player with scene navigation functions. [Conclusions] The transcoding technology for audios and videos works effectively. However, other supporting functions could be further improved. The format conversion technology for audios and videos in CSpace could expand its supporting services.
作者 吴志强 祝忠明 姚晓娜 王思丽 Wu Zhiqiang Zhu Zhongming Yao Xiaona Wang Sili(Lanzhou Literature and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730030,Chin)
出处 《数据分析与知识发现》 CSSCI CSCD 2017年第9期90-96,共7页 Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery
基金 中国科学院2015年西部青年学者B类项目"科研过程中非文本资源的语义化组织技术研究"(项目编号:Y6AX031001)的研究成果之一
关键词 机构知识库 CSpace 影音 FFMPEG 功能扩展 Institutional Repository CSpace Audios and Videos FFMPEG Functional Extension
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