The 9th China Flower Expo was held in Yinchuan on September 1.This year’s expo features the theme of"flowers blossoming on the new Silk Road".The expo emblem features"phoenix flower",and the symbolic flower of the expo is Malan flower.The mascots of the expo are"Yinyin and Chuanchuan".The event lasted 37 days and closed on October 7.The flower expo follows
The 9th China Flower Expo was held in Yinchuan on September 1. ~his year's expo features the theme of "flowers blossomingon the new Silk Road". The expo emblem features "phoenix flower", and the symbolic flower of the expo is Malan flower. The mascots of the expo are "Yinyin and Chuanchuan". The event lasted 37 days and dosed on October 7.