China's people-to-people diplomacy has entered a new era with its rise as a global major power.Originating from the people's diplomacy,people-to-people diplomacy has transcended it in modern times.While coexisting with public diplomacy,peopleto-people diplomacy has some unique characteristics,and is thus susceptible to over-generalization or distortion.The current Chinese people-to-people diplomacy features a non-governmental nature,openness,essentiality,flexibility,and distinctive theoretical connotations,but is also confronted with such external challenges as narrow nationalism,populism,extremism and terrorism.In order to achieve the best results through this channel of diplomacy,it is vitally necessary for Chinese to know and understand the mentalities of people around the world,strengthen communication with people of diverse backgrounds,in particular the middle class in different countries,and explore new patterns and mechanisms of interaction between the government and the society.
International Studies