甘肃某铅锌矿选矿厂入选矿石铅、锌品位分别为0.98%和5.21%,矿石在磨矿细度为-0.074 mm占85%的情况下采用1粗2扫4精、中矿顺序返回闭路流程优先选铅,仅能获得铅品位为53.11%、铅回收率为78.50%、锌回收率为2.09%的铅精矿。为了提高铅精矿铅回收率,在查明原因的情况下,有针对性地进行了选矿工艺研究。结果表明,在维持磨选段数不变的情况下,将铅精选1尾矿与铅扫选1精矿合并返回原矿磨矿作业,最终可获得铅品位为54.56%、铅回收率为81.84%、锌回收率为2.03%的铅精矿,铅精矿品位和铅回收率分别较现场提高1.45、3.34个百分点,提高幅度显著;选铅尾矿锌回收率高达97.97%,较现场提高0.06个百分点,这为后续选锌创造了更好的条件。
The ore from a Lead-zinc mine in Gansu contains Pb 0.98% and Zn 5.21% respectively. With grinding fineness of 0.074 mm 85%,lead concentrate with grade and recovery of Pb 53.11% and 78.50% and Zn recovery of 2.09% respectively is firstly obtained by the process of one roughing,four cleaning,two scavenging and the middling back to the flow-sheet in turn.In order to improve the recovery of lead,the beneficiation process has been studied in a targeted way under the knowledge of reasons.The results indicated that in the condition of remaining the same grinding and beneficiation stages,yet mixing the Pb cleaning 1 tailing and the scavenging 1 concentrate back to the grinding process,Pb concentrate with the grade and recovery of Pb 54.56% and 81.84%,and1.46% of Zn was obtained respectively. The grade and recovery of Pb are increased significantly by 1.45 and 3.34 percentage points,separately.The recovery of Zn from the Pb tailing is up to 97.97%,increasing by 0.06 percentage points compared with the field.It creates better conditions for zinc concentration subsequently.
Metal Mine
Lead-zinc Ore, Liberation, Regrinding of middling