固态法白酒优质原酒总酯都非常高,总酯大部分在0.8g/L以上。GB/T 10345-2007中规定皂化时准确加入氢氧化钠标准滴定溶液25.00mL(若样品总酯含量高时,可加入50.00mL);当总酯在0.8000g/L以上时,加入50.00mL氢氧化钠标准滴定溶液氢氧化钠已经不能过量,皂化反应不能进行完全。针对这一现象我们从减少酒样的吸取量和增加氢氧化钠标准滴定溶液的加入量两方面进行试验,在检测结果一致的情况下,得到了原酒总酯的最佳检测方法。
Solid liquor's total esters are very high, while most of it is more than 0.8 g/L. The GB/T10345-2007 specified in the saponification accurately when adding sodium hydroxide standard titration solution 25.00 mL(if it is high, the total ester content of samples can be added to50.00 mL); but the total esters is above 0.8000 g/L, while adding 50.00 mL sodium hydroxide standard titration solution is not excessive completely. In view of this phenomenon we reduced the consumption of wine samples and added sodium hydroxide standard titration solution. When the test results in the same situation, we optimal detection method of total esters in wine.
Liquor Making