Earth's Coriolis force profoundly alters the eigen frequencies, eigen functions, and excitation of rotational normal modes. Some rotational modes of the solid mantle-fluid outer core-solid inner core Earth system are confirmed observationally and some remain elusive. Here we bring together from literature assertions about an excited resonance system in terms of the Green's function and temporal convolution. We raise caveats against taking the face values of the oscillational motion which have been "masqueraded" by the convolution, necessitating deconvolution for retrieving the excitation function which reflects the true variability. Lastly we exemplify successful applications of the deconvolution in estimating resonance complex frequencies.
Earth's Coriolis force profoundly alters the eigen frequencies, eigen functions, and excitation of rotational normal modes. Some rotational modes of the solid mantle-fluid outer core-solid inner core Earth system are confirmed observationally and some remain elusive. Here we bring together from literature assertions about an excited resonance system in terms of the Green's function and temporal convolution. We raise caveats against taking the face values of the oscillational motion which have been "masqueraded" by the convolution, necessitating deconvolution for retrieving the excitation function which reflects the true variability. Lastly we exemplify successful applications of the deconvolution in estimating resonance complex frequencies.
supported by the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology via grant#104-2116-M-001-006