目的探索中青年人群中代谢综合征的症状、证候分布特点。方法筛选年龄30~59岁的代谢综合征患者1 733例,对患者的中医症状、舌脉信息进行频数统计,并采用因子分析和聚类分析方法进行分析,结合中医辨证,参考因子、聚类分析结果判定证型。结果 1 733例患者经过分析后确定证型包括脾虚肝郁证、肝肾阴虚证、肝郁化火证、湿热壅滞证。根据因子分析和聚类结果带入纳入病例的四诊信息中进行证型分布统计,其中脾虚肝郁证929例(53.6%),肝肾阴虚证444例(25.6%),肝郁化火证258例(14.9%),湿热壅滞证102例(5.9%)。结论脾虚肝郁为中青年人群代谢综合征的主要病机,应重视肝脾在代谢综合征发生发展过程中的关键作用,注重早期的肝脾运化功能调整和恢复,以便有效防止或延缓代谢综合征的发生、发展。
Objective It is to explore the distribution characteristics of the TCM syndrome in young and middle-age pa- tients with metabolic syndrome. Methods 1 733 cases of young and middle-age patients with m syndrome were selected and their general information, TCM symptoms, tongue and pulse information were collected for frequency statistics analysis. Ex- ploratory factor analysis method and cluster analysis method was used to do further research. Exploratory factor analysis method was used to extract the common factors in the first place and then analyze them by cluster analysis method. After a- bove steps, combine the analysis results with syndrome differentiation of TCM to determine the syndrome types. Results According to TCM syndrome diagnostic criteria, there were four types of syndrome in these 1 733 patients: spleen deficiency and liver stagnation syndrome, depression of the liver generates pathogenic fire syndrome, hot and humid indicates lag syn- drome, deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin syndrome. According to the results of factor analysis and cluster analysis, in this research, spleen deficiency and liver stagnation syndrome accounted for 929 cases (53.6%) , deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin syndrome accounted for 444 cases (25.6%), depression of the liver generates pathogenic fire syndrome ac- counted for 258 cases ( 14.9% ), hot and humid indicates lag syndrome accounted for 102 cases (5.9%). Conclusion Through the analysis of the patients'general data it shows that the greatest proportion of patients is spleen deficiency and liv- er stagnation syndrome, so it~ the main pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome, the attention should be paid to the key role in the process of liver and spleen in the development of this disease, paying attention to the liver and spleen of early operation adjustment and function, so as to effectively prevent or delay the occurrence and development of embolic syndrome.
Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
metabolic syndrome
young and middle-aged people
exploratory factor analysis
cluster analysis