针对晚期垃圾渗滤液成分复杂,生化性极差,氨氮浓度高的特点,采用HTO(BAC)-MBR-NF工艺处理,工程处理规模150 m^3/d,COD质量浓度为1 500~2 000 mg/L,NH_3-N质量浓度为400~600 mg/L,处理后废水COD、NH_3-N质量浓度分别降至70 mg/L、5 mg/L,达到相关排放标准。
The HTO( BAC)-MBR-NF process is used to treat the late landfill leachate for its characteristics of complex composition,bad biochemical character and high ammonia nitrogen,in which the wastewater treatment can reach 150 m^3/d,COD is 1 500 ~ 2 000 mg/L,NH_3-N = 400 ~ 600 mg/L,COD and NH_3-N of the effluent can reduced to 70 mg/L and 5 mg/L respectively,which meets the requirements of relevant standard for pollution control on the landfill site of municipal solid waste.
Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection