

Vehicle image fast retrieval based on unsupervised hashing algorithm
摘要 套牌车辆的快速检索在智能交通系统中具有重要的作用。针对大数据时代车辆图像检索效率低下的问题,本文设计了一种非监督哈希算法的车辆图像快速检索方法。车辆检索框架利用非监督三元组网络最大化哈希编码的判别能力,同时保持了图像特征的旋转不变性。在自建的车辆数据库CAR-CR上的实验结果表明,本文设计的车辆检索方法能够有效检索车辆,而且较LSH和DeepBit方法其检索精度有较大提升。 Fast vehicle retrieval plays an important role in intelligent transportation system.In view of the inefficiency of vehicle retrieval in the era of big data,we design a unsupervised hashing algorithm for fast vehicle image retrieval.Vehicle retrieval framework maximizes discriminability of hash codes by unsupervised triplet network structure.Meanwhile,the frame still keeps the rotation invariant features.The experimental results show that design method is efficient of fast vehicle image retrieval and outperforms LSH and DeepBit methods in terms of retrieval accuracy.
作者 陈宏彩
出处 《河北省科学院学报》 CAS 2017年第4期1-5,31,共6页 Journal of The Hebei Academy of Sciences
基金 河北省科技厅科技计划项目(17395602D)
关键词 无监督哈希 三元组 卷积神经网络 车辆图像 快速检索 Unsupervised hashing Triplet structure Convolutional neural network Vehicle image Fast retrieval
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