Based on a hand collected data set of Chinese listed firms with performance-based equity incentive plans during 2006-2014, we investigate the earnings management behavior during the implementation period of such plans. Our paper documents that there is an apparent "slightly target-meeting" phenomenon among those firms, in other words, the reported performance indicators such as the return on net assets and net income growth rate slightly beat or meet the targeted numbers required by the incentive plans for abnor- mally many firms. This phenomenon suggests that these firms man- age earnings to meet or slightly beat the target. Our further study figures out that, compared to the other firms with equity incentive plans, the level of real earnings management done by these "slight- ly target-meeting" firms is significantly higher than that of other firms, and these firms also have less upward as well as more downward accrual earnings management. The above patterns between real and accrual earnings management have two implications: (1) It is real earnings management instead of accrual manipulations that serve as the key instrument to help firms with performance-based equity incentive plans beat the required performance target; (2) The "slightly target beating firms" also build "earnings reservoirs" through cutting upward and increasing downward accrual earnings management as much as possible to meet the performance require- ment in the remaining periods. The above findings indicate that the commonly adopted schemes of "100% get it or 100% lose it" and "no defer" in equity incentive plans lead to incentive distortions, real earnings management, which hurts firms' long-term interests con trary to the original intention of equity incentive plans. Therefore, regulators and board of directors should keep an eye on the earnings management and incentive distortion problem during the whole timeline of an equity incentive plan, improve the design of perfor mance indicators and make a better balance between incentive and compensation risk bearing.
Nankai Business Review
国家自然科学基金项目(71672 0 98)
Performance-based Equity Incentive Plan
"Slightly Target-meeting"
Real Earnings Management
Accrual-based Earn- ings Management