塔里木盆地库车凹陷为一前陆盆地 ,其目的层段侏罗系阳霞组、阿合组为裂缝型砂泥岩储盖组合。油气在这种储盖组合中得以保存即需要有裂缝发育的储集层又要具备裂缝不发育的优质盖层与之匹配。因此 ,不同类型的储盖组合将会形成不同的油气水关系而导致其油气水性质的复杂性。为了能够对该区油气聚集规律及此类油气藏有深入认识 ,利用常规测井方法经过岩心薄片鉴定结果检验精度后计算了储层裂缝孔隙度 ,对裂缝型储层进行评价 ;同时利用测井资料进行盖层评价 ,对该区开展了储盖组合及含油气性综合性研究 ;最终确定出该区 4种不同的储盖组合类型。对储盖组合与油气聚集关系分析后 ,指出了最有利油气聚集的储盖组合类型及纵横向分布范围。
Kuche depression in Tarim basin is a foreland basin. Due to great burial depth and active diagenetic, two intervals of interest formation-YangXia and Ahe in Jurassic belong to fractured reservoir. Because of the existence of fractures, the style of combination between reservoir and cap rock is various, and the relationship and characteristics of oil, gas and water become complex. An interpretation method is developed for evaluating the above fractured reservoir. The porosity of fractured reservoir calculated from conventional logs is used to analyse breakthrough pressure of cap rock. Four kinds of combinations of fractured reservoir and cap rock are determined. Then, it is pointed out the kind of combination of reservoir and cap rock which benefits accumulation of oil and gas and its vertical distribution range.
Well Logging Technology