
对非议或误解黄侃古音学的澄清(下) 被引量:1

A Clarification of the Misunderstanding or Criticizing to Huangkan’s Ancient Chinese Phonology Theory(The Second Part)
摘要 评价学术首先应据作者所处时代,考察是否超越前人;其次方是基于评价者时代,考察与该领域进展之关系。如果材料不足,可以不说、少说,但不可妄说。为避免"积非成是而无从知,先入为主而惑以终身",对非议或误解黄侃古音学说的评说,务必依据原典、正本清源,以免贻笑后人。林语堂(1928)对之冠以"循环论证",不知配对认知图式,"文调过高"而学识不足,晚年似有所醒悟。张世禄(1936,1964)盲从林说,拘于"当前一般公认",不解古本音在等韵一四等的历史语言投影原理,不知《广韵》乃"古音之津梁"正是"投射研究法"的早期表述。王力(1978)批判其"一无是处、唯心主义、坏影响"等关键词,至今有人读后惊出一身冷汗。王力对黄说多从《文字学音篇》了解,以至于对黄说和钱说时有不分。更无从知黄侃功夫在《五雅古韵表》《尔雅、方言、释名、广雅声类表》《古韵谱稿》等。李开(2002)证明以一四等韵为古本韵合乎现代音系学的优化和对立原理,与循环论证无关,然提及"黄侃中经钱玄同受到高本汉的间接影响",其证据链未核,未查阅黄侃《音学八种》。黄侃古音学说的精粹在于音理-音史—音证的系统方法论,及"客观归纳→主观演绎→文献验证→声韵互证"的途径。 As an academic evaluator,he/she should firstly consider whether the evaluated achievement has transcended prior studies in its specific times,and then investigates its value considering the current times where evaluator lives.The evaluator may speak less or speak none if relevant literature is scant,but he/she can not talk nonsense.Concerning evaluating Huangkan’s ancient Chinese phonology theory,there was undesirable phenomenons.In order to rightly evaluate his theory,we have to investigate original documents.Lin Yutang(1928)criticized Huang’s theory as a circular argumentation,because he didn’t know much of the cognitive schema of pairing.He conducted a high-profile style instead of insufficient knowledge.In his late life,he recognized it.Zhang Shilu(1936,1964)followed Lin,insisting a so-called"currently gen-erally acknowledged".He didn’t recognize the old Chinese phonology’s historical reflection on Dengyun,the first Grade and the fourth Grade,and didn’t recognize the statement that Guangyuan is the bridge of old Chinese phonology is a primary opinion on mapping research method.Wang Li(1978)criticized that Huangkan’s theory was full of idealism,and it was good for nothing and had a bad influence.Such comments struck many readers.Wang greatly studied Huang’s idea from "Wenzixue Yinpian"alone,so that Wang confused Huangkan’s idea and Qian Xuantong’s idea frequently.He couldn’t know further of Huang’s main effort on "Yunmu List of Wuya","Shengmu List of Erya,Fangyan,Shiming,Guangya"and "List of Ancient Chinese phonology",and so on.Li Kai(2002)proved that irrelevant to circular argumentation,Huangkan’s theory fits Optimal Principle and Opposite Theory.But he wrongly thought that Huang was influenced by Karlgren via Qian,because he didn’t investigate Huang’s"Eight Articles of Old Chinese Phonology"and so on.The sprit of Huang’s idea lies in the systematic methodology reflected in the principle of pronunciation,the history of pronunciation and the proving of pronunciation,as well as his research path of"induction→deduction→ proof→ mutual corroboration".
作者 李葆嘉
出处 《民俗典籍文字研究》 CSSCI 2017年第1期92-114,共23页
关键词 黄侃古音学 循环论证 唯心主义 高本汉 澄清 Huangkans ancient Chinese phonology theory circular argumentation idealism Karlgren clarification
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  • 1李葆嘉.论语言类型与文字类型的制约关系[J].南京师大学报(社会科学版),1990(4):55-62. 被引量:8
  • 2[3]王力.汉语史稿:上册[M].北京:中华书局,1989.
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  • 6俞敏.1984,《后汉三国梵汉对音谱》,《俞敏语言学论文集》,商务印书馆,1999.
  • 7高本汉《中国音韵学研究》,商务印书馆,1994年缩印版,第15页,第20-21页,第22页,第59页,第35页,第56页,第59、60页,第105页,第167页,第59-62页,第237页,第448页,第454页,第460页,第463页,第471-477页,第477页,第528-536页,第526页,第542页。
  • 8参见玉立达《汉语研究小史》,商务印书馆,1959年版,第22页。
  • 9参见《钱玄同文集》第四卷,中国人民大学出版社,1999年版,第110页。
  • 10.《中国音韵学研究》缩印版.商务印书馆,1994年..










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