
The Optimization of Ultrasonic Extraction Technology of Total Flavonoids in Leaves of Mallotus apelta by Response Surface Analysis Methodology 被引量:8

The Optimization of Ultrasonic Extraction Technology of Total Flavonoids in Leaves of Mallotus apelta by Response Surface Analysis Methodology
摘要 [Objectives] Response surface analysis methodology was used to optimize the extraction technology of total flavonoids from Mallotus apelta leaves. [Methods] The total flavonoids were extracted using ultrasonic assisted ethanol extraction,and extraction rate of total flavonoids was taken as evaluation index. On the basis of single-factor experiment,Box-Behnken response surface methodology was employed for selecting the optimum extraction process. [Results]The optimum extraction conditions of total flavonoids were as follows: 75% of ethanol concentration,1∶ 25 of ratio of material to liquid,31 min of ultrasonic time. Under these conditions,the extraction rate of total flavonoids was 1. 115%.[Conclusions] The extraction process obtained by response surface methodology was stable,reasonable,accurate and reliable. It was a feasible method to extract the total flavonoids from M. apelta leaves. [Objectives] Response surface analysis methodology was used to optimize the extraction technology of total flavonoids from Mallotus apelta leaves.[Methods] The total flavonoids were extracted using ultrasonic assisted ethanol extraction, and extraction rate of total flavonoids was taken as evaluation index. On the basis of single-factor experiment, Box-Behnken response surface methodology was employed for selecting the optimum extraction process.[Results] The optimum extraction conditions of total flavonoids were as follows: 75% of ethanol concentration, 1∶ 25 of ratio of material to liquid, 31 min of ultrasonic time. Under these conditions, the extraction rate of total flavonoids was 1.115%.[Conclusions] The extraction process obtained by response surface methodology was stable, reasonable, accurate and reliable. It was a feasible method to extract the total flavonoids from M. apelta leaves.
出处 《Medicinal Plant》 CAS 2018年第4期68-72,共5页 药用植物:英文版
基金 Supported by the Program of Guilin Municipal Science and Technology Bureau(20130403-4) Science and Technology Program of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Guangxi Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine(GZLC14-31) Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan Project of Autonomous District Level in 2017(201710601082)
关键词 Mallotus apelta Total flavonoids Ultrasonic extraction Response surface methodology Mallotus apelta Total flavonoids Ultrasonic extraction Response surface methodology
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