
Behavior Analysis of Self-Driving Tourists Based on Content Analysis of Network Travel Notes: A Case Study of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Behavior Analysis of Self-Driving Tourists Based on Content Analysis of Network Travel Notes: A Case Study of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
摘要 Self-driving tour is one of the most important ways for people to travel, and network travel notes actually reflect the traveling information of self-driving tourists. In this paper, with the network travel notes of self-driving tourists as the research object, methods such as text analysis and visualization were adopted to study behavior patterns of self-driving tourists, tourism experience,time-space migration, and distribution of tourism resources in Inner Mongolia, from the multiple dimensions of mobile drivers,perceived dimensions, and spatial migration. The results showed that: ① self-driving tourists had a variety of motivations for traveling, in which love for nature dominated; ② self-driving tour destinations were mainly Hulunbuir,Ordos,and Alxa League;③ spatial migration was characterized by obvious seasonal fluctuations. The research on the behavior of self-driving tourists in Inner Mongolia is an important part for the study of the connection between tourism resources and market connection in Inner Mongolia, and is of significance for guiding the theory, practice and policy formulation of self-driving tours in Inner Mongolia. Self-diiviiig tour is one of the most important wajrs for people to travel, and network travel notes actually reflect the traveling information of self-driving tourists. In this paper, witii the network travel notes of self-driving tourists as the tesearch object^ methods such as text analysis and visualization were adopted to study behavior patterns of self-driving tourists, tourism experience, time-space migration, and distribution of tourism resources in Inner Mongolia, fi:om the multiple dimensions of mobile drivers, perceived, dimensions, and spatial migration. The results showed tiiat ①self-cidviiig tourists had a variety of motivations for traveling, in which love for nature dominated; ②self-driving tour destinations were mainly Hulunbuir, Ordos, and Alxa League; ③spatial migration was characterized by obvious seasonal fluctuations. The fesearch on the behavior of self-driving tourists in Inner Mongolia is an important part of the study of the connection between tourism resources and market connection in Inner Mongolia, and is of significance for guiding the theory, practice and poliqr foimuktion of self-doving tours in Inner Mongolia.
出处 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第4期138-144,共7页 景观研究(英文版)
基金 Sponsored by Scientific Research Projects of Colleges and Universities in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(NJSY018)
关键词 自助旅游 中国 发展现状 自驾车 Self-driving tour Tourists behavioia Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
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