
肌联素生物学作用及运动对其产生的影响 被引量:3

Biological role of myonectin and its correlation with exercise
摘要 背景:肌联素又称补体C1q/肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白15,是骨骼肌分泌的一种新型生物活性物质,为CTRP蛋白家族的第15位成员。肌联素在骨骼肌中特异性表达,受机体肌纤维类型、营养条件和其他激素、细胞因子等的影响。目的:探讨肌联素与运动的关系,为慢性疾病的治疗提供依据。方法:应用计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库及PubMed数据库1999至2017年18年间的文献,中文检索词为"肌肉因子,肌联素";英文检索词为"myonkine,myonectin,erythroferrone"。依据纳入排除标准选择32篇文献进行归纳总结。结果与结论:肌联素可通过内分泌或旁分泌的的形式入血,作用于脂肪组织和肝脏,参与脂肪组织和肝脏脂质代谢调节,肌联素可以促进脂肪酸摄入作用蛋白基因的表达,促进脂肪酸的摄取,降低血清自由脂肪酸的水平,参与肥胖和胰岛素抵抗的发生,并且与骨骼肌能量代谢有关联,参与红细胞生成过程中铁代谢的调节,因此肌联素与代谢性疾病有紧密的联系。 BACKGROUND: Myonectin(C1 q tumor necrosis factor-α-related protein isoform 15) is a novel bioactivator secreted by skeletal muscle and is the 15 th member of CTRP family. Myonectin is specially expressed in skeletal muscle and its expression is affected by the type of skeletal muscle fiber, nutritional conditions, other hormones, and cytokines. OBJECTIVE: To explore the relationship between myonectin and exercise so as to provide the basis for the treatment of chronic diseases.METHODS: A computer-based search of CNKI and PubMed databases was performed for relevant articles published from 1999 to 2017 using the keywords of "myokine, myonectin, erythroferrone" in Chinese and English, respectively. Finally 32 eligible articles were included in result analysis in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Myonectin is released into bloodstream through endocrine or paracrine and works on adipose tissue and liver, involved in adipose tissue and liver lipid metabolism regulation. Nevertheless, myonectin can increase the expression of fatty acid uptake protein gene, promote the uptake of fatty acids and reduce the level of free fatty acids in serum. Notably, myonectin participates in obesity and insulin resistance and correlates with skeletal muscle energy metabolism. It is also involved in erythropoiesis during the regulation of iron metabolism, and therefore, myonectin is closely related to metabolic diseases.
作者 李琳 于亮 Li Lin;Yu Liang(Sport Science College,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China)
出处 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第28期4568-4573,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research
基金 国家自然科学基金(31500964) 霍英东教育基金会(151095) 国家体育总局全民健身课题(2015B046) 北京体育大学自主科研课题(2016YB047 2017YB028)~~
关键词 运动医学 骨骼 组织工程 肌肉因子 myonectin 运动 组织构建 Sports Medicine Muscle Skeletal Tissue Enqineerinq
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