

Dentists' knowledge and practice of revascularization in Shanghai: a cross-sectional study
摘要 目的 :调查上海地区口腔医师对牙髓再生治疗认知及应用状况。方法 :采用多级、整群、随机抽样方法 ,从上海城区和郊区各随机抽取5个区,选取区内三级医院、牙防所、二级医院、民营医院诊所及私人诊所,以及3家口腔特色三级甲等医院的儿童口腔、牙体牙髓病及口腔综合医师,对每个调查单位内的所有相关口腔医师进行问卷调查。采用SAS 9.13软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果:共调查三级医院13家,牙防所8家,二级医院15家,民营医院及私人诊所20家,以及3家口腔特色三级甲等医院。调查相关口腔医师834人,回收有效问卷588份(70.5%)。知晓牙髓再生治疗者占总调查人数的68.2%,其中应用牙髓再生治疗者占20%。继续教育学习班是上海地区口腔医师学习牙髓再生治疗的主要途径(33.3%),且对牙髓再生治疗感兴趣(85.8%)。对操作流程不熟悉是未应用的最主要原因(41.5%)。结论 :受教育程度较高的中青年牙体牙髓病及儿童口腔专业医师对牙髓再生治疗认知和应用率均较高,且对牙髓再生治疗继续教育学习班更感兴趣。应增加牙髓再生治疗继续教育学习班并增加实训课内容,以解决应用过程中对流程不熟悉的瓶颈。 PURPOSE: To evaluate dentists' knowledge and practice of revascularization in Shanghai. METHODS:Using multistage, cluster and random sampling method, 5 districts from Shanghai urban and suburban areas were randomly selected, covering class-three and class-two hospitals, dental center, private hospitals and clinics, and 3 class-three authoritative dental special hospitals(nonrandom). A questionnaire survey was conducted among the endodontists,pedodontists and general dentists. SAS 9.13 software package was used for data analysis. RESULTS: A total of 834 dentists were investigated, and 588 valid questionnaires(75.3%) were collected. 401(68.2%) dentists were familiar with revascularization, 20% of them treated patients with revascularization. The most common source of learning revascularization was continuing dental education(33.3%) and 85.8% dentists showed interest in revascularization. The most important reason for not using revascularization was unfamiliar with the operational procedure(41.5%).CONCLUSIONS: The middle-aged endodontic and pediatric specialists with higher education have better understanding and motion to apply revascularization, and are more interested in continuing dental education. In continuing education courses, lectures of revascularization with practical training should be increased, in order to promote revascularization application in dental practice.
作者 肖文 陈曦 汪俊 XIAO Wen;CHEN Xi;WANG Jun(Department of Pediatric Dentistry;Department of Preventive Dentistry,Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital,College of Stomatology,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,National Clinical Research Center for Oral Disease,Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology & Shanghai Research Institute of Stomatology.Shanghai 200011,China)
出处 《上海口腔医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期390-395,共6页 Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
基金 国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0840100,2017YFC0840110) 上海交通大学医工(理)交叉基金(YG2017QN04) 上海市口腔医学研究所基金(院2016-08)
关键词 牙髓再生治疗 认知状况 应用状况 Revascularization Understanding status Application status
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