
Isolation of Sturgeon Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes and the Optimal Proliferation Response Conditions

Isolation of Sturgeon Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes and the Optimal Proliferation Response Conditions
摘要 In this study,sterlet( Acipenser ruthenus) was chosen as the model species of sturgeon,different solutions were used to isolate the sturgeon peripheral blood lymphocytes and study their optimal proliferate response condition. Phytohemagglutinin( PHA),concanavalin A( Con A) and lipopolysaccharide( LPS) were used as lymphocyte proliferation mitogen,respectively. According to L25( 56) five-factor five-level orthogonal experimental design,the conditions for sturgeons proliferation response of peripheral blood lymphocytes were optimized using enhanced cell counting Kit-8( enhanced CCK-8 or WST-8). Five factors were selected to explore the optimal response conditions,including culture time,culture temperature,cell concentration,fetal bovine serum( FBS) concentration,and mitogen concentration. The results showed that 70% Percoll( 1. 092 g/ml) used as the sturgeon lymphocyte separation solution had the best separating effect. The optimal proliferation conditions were as follows: 3. 625 × 10~6 initial cells,20 μg/ml PHA or 50 μg/ml Con A or 10 μg/ml LPS as mitogen,10%-20% FBS,the temperature at 20-25 ℃,and the culture time of 2 d. In this study, sterlet ( Acipenser ruthenus ) was chosen as the model species of sturgeon, different solutions were used to isolate the sturgeon peripheral blood lymphocytes and study their optimal proliferate response condition. Phytohemagglutinin (PHA), concanavalin A (ConA)and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were used as lymphocyte proliferation mitogen, respectively. According to L 25 (5^6) five-factor five-level orthogonal experimental design, the conditions for sturgeons proliferation response of peripheral blood lymphocytes were optimized using enhanced cell counting Kit-8 (enhanced CCK-8 or WST-8). Five factors were selected to explore the optimal response conditions, including culture time, culture temperature, cell concentration, fetal bovine serum (FBS) concentration, and mitogen concentration. The results showed that 70% Percoll (1.092 g/ml) used as the sturgeon lymphocyte separation solution had the best separating effect. The optimal proliferation conditions were as follows: 3.625×10 6 initial cells, 20 μg/ml PHA or 50 μg/ml ConA or 10 μg/ml LPS as mitogen, 10%-20% FBS, the temperature at 20-25 ℃, and the culture time of 2 d.
出处 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2018年第5期143-147,152,共6页 农业生物技术(英文版)
基金 Supported by Foundation of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Project(Z161100004516003) Innovation Team of Sturgeon and Salmonid of Beijing(BAIC08-2018) Innovation Team of Sturgeon and Salmonid of Baafs(JNKST201611)
关键词 血淋巴细胞 反应条件 鲟鱼 PERCOLL CCK-8 增殖反应 细胞分离 CONA Sturgeon Peripheral blood lymphocytes Lymphocyte isolation Proliferation PHA ConA LPS CCK-8
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