The hot big bang cosmology is very successful, and the Hubble law, the cosmic microwave background radiation and the abundance of light elements etc. predicted by the hot big bang model have been confirmed by a plenty of cosmological observations. However, the hot big bang model still suffers from several puzzles, such as the flatness problem, the hori- zon problem, the unwanted relics and so on. The inflation model which was proposed by Alan Guth in the early of 1980s is an elegant paradigm which provides a simple solution to all of the problems in the hot big bang model. Due to the nearly exponential expansion of space during inflation, the initial spatial curvature and inhomogeneities are smoothed away. In this sense, a spatially flat universe can be taken as one of the key predictions of inflationary universe and it has been confirmed by a lot of cosmological observations. On the other hand, during inflation, the Universe is "small" and the quantum effects become significant. Actually, such quantum fluctuations will finally seed the formation of large-scale structure and the anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background. Because the Hubble parameter is roughly a constant during inflation, the power spectrum of the density perturbation generated by the quantum fluctuations is expected to be nearly scale-invariant. Actually, all of the current cosmological observations really prefer a Gaussian and nearly scale-invariant primordial power spectrum of density perturbations which is nicely consistent with the prediction of the simple inflation models. In addition, inflation also predicts that there should be primordial gravitational waves which generate the B-mode polarization in the cosmic microwave background. In the early of 2014, BICEP2 collaborations reported an excess of B-mode power over the based lensed standard cosmological model expectation at the cosmic scales. Unfortunately, it is finally confirmed to be the foreground contaminations, not originated from the primordial gravita- tional waves. Up to now, ones only set a restricted upper limit on the amplitude of primordial gravitational-wave power spectrum. Such a small upper limit implies that the inflation is driven by an effective cosmological constant at the leading order. In order for naturally ending inflation at a time in the early universe, there should be a dynamical term in the po- tential of inflation field as well. The precise measurement of the spectral index of scalar power spectrum from Planck satellite favors the so-called Starobinsky's inflation model which is driven by the R2 term adding to the Einstein-Hilbert action. However, why the higher order corrections should be exponentially suppressed in the Starobinsky's inflation model is still an open question. In addition, if a contraction phase happened before the inflation, it may modify the pri- mordial density perturbation power spectrum at very large scales and may help us to explain some hints of the anomalies on such scales.
Qing-Guo Huang;Yun-Song Piao(Institute of Theoretical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;School of Physical Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
Chinese Science Bulletin
hot big bang
primordial gravitational wave
bouncing inflation