
Non-allergic rhinitis in children: Epidemiological aspects, pathological features, diagnostic methodology and clinical management 被引量:1

Non-allergic rhinitis in children: Epidemiological aspects, pathological features, diagnostic methodology and clinical management
摘要 Chronic rhinitis is a very common disease, as the prevalence in the general population resulted to be 40%. Allergic rhinitis has been considered to be the most frequent form of chronic rhinitis, as non-allergic rhinitis has been estimated to account for 25%. However, several evidences suggested that non-allergic rhinitis have been underrated, especially in children. In pediatrics, the diagnostic definition of non-allergic rhinitis has been often limited to the exclusion of an allergic sensitization. Actually, local allergic rhinitis has been often misdiagnosed as well as mixed rhinitis has not been recognized in most cases. Nasal cytology is a diagnostic procedure being suitable for routine clinical practice with children and could be a very useful tool to characterize and diagnose non-allergic rhinitis, providing important clues for epidemiological analysis and clinical management. Chronic rhinitis is a very common disease, as the pre-valence in the general population resulted to be 40%. Allergic rhinitis has been considered to be the most frequent form of chronic rhinitis, as non-allergic rhinitis has been estimated to account for 25%. However, several evidences suggested that non-allergic rhinitis have been underrated, especially in children. In pediatrics, the diagnostic definition of non-allergic rhinitis has been often limited to the exclusion of an allergic sensitization. Actually, local allergic rhinitis has been often misdiagnosed as well as mixed rhinitis has not been recognized in most cases. Nasal cytology is a diagnostic procedure being suitable for routine clinical practice with children and could be a very useful tool to characterize and diagnose non-allergic rhinitis, providing important clues for epide-miological analysis and clinical management.
出处 《World Journal of Methodology》 2016年第4期200-213,共14页 世界方法学杂志
关键词 Pediatric chronic RHINITIS Non-allergic RHINITIS NASAL CYTOLOGY Local ALLERGIC RHINITIS Pediatric chronic rhinitis Non-allergic rhinitis Nasal cytology Local allergic rhinitis
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