本研究采用问卷方式 ,调查探讨了青岛市中青年领导干部的心理健康状况。结果表明 :1青岛市中青年领导干部的心理健康状况远远好于普通人群。 2青岛市中青年领导干部的“自我与经验的和谐水平”以及“自我的灵活性”极明显地高于大学生常模。3青岛市中青年领导干部的“自我与经验的不和谐”水平与其心理健康程度密切相关 ;其“自我的灵活性”
This research deals with the mental health of the middle-aged and young cadres in Qingdao by means of poll.The result is as follows:①The condition of the mental health of the middle-aged and young cadres is far superior to that of the common people.②The harmony of self and experience,and the flexibility of self are far superior to those of the university students.③The level of not being harmonious in self and experience of the middle-aged and young cadres closely correlates with their mental health;The flexibility of self also highly correlates with many aspects in mental health.
Health Psychology Journal