我国现有有效灌溉面积约占全国耕地面积的50% 左右,却生产全国80% 的粮食。但我国的水资源相对缺乏,农业用水供需不平衡,浪费严重,灌溉农业面临困境。我国的农田灌溉区存在诸多问题,解决和缓解水资源危机的有效途径是开源与节流并举,节水灌溉技术是今后灌溉农业发展的主流。
The effective irrigation area is about 50 percent of the total land, but 80 percent of the total crop yeild is provided by these irrigated land. In our country,the water resources is relatively shortage, water suppling and using is not equivalent agricultrue,and irrigated water waste is serious, So irrigation agricultrue is facing with the difficult.Therefore, there are many problem in the irrigated land,The exploiting and saving water resources are the effective ways to solving the crisis of water resources. Water-saving irrigated techniques are the main ways in irrigation agricutrue in future.
Water resources
Irrigated agricultrue
Water-saving techniques