西部农业经济的发展与繁荣是关系西部大开发这一战略取得成功的关键。而西部农业却又具有先天不足的缺陷和得天独厚的优势并存的特点 ,如何抓住和应对西部大开发与中国加入 WTO这一千载难逢的机遇和挑战 ,逐步缩小与东部发达地区差距 ,将是摆在西部人面前的必须认真思考的一个问题。
The development and prosperity of the western agricultural economy are vital to strategically the success of the western development.Western agriculture has its inherent shortage in the natural environment while having its unique advantage in the natural resources.The westerns should think over the question how we take and meet the golden opportunity and China′s entry into WTO and challenge of western development to gradually bridge the wide gap in economic development between the east and the west This article is to expound his own point on it.