目的 探讨洪涝灾害期间 ,自然因素与社会因素的改变对钩端螺旋体病的流行与控制造成的影响。方法 运用流行病学、病原学、血清学方法 ,对钩体病进行监测。结果 通过对灾区连续四年的钩体病监测表明 :洪灾期间 ,鼠密度增高 ,达 12 .10 %以上 ;自然人群隐性感染率高 ,为13.49% ;灾后主要传染源猪的感染率高达 10 .92 % ;疫情虽未明显上升 ,但存在漏诊漏报现象 ;另外 ,在多年未报病的地区 ,亦发现钩体病疫源地。结论 洪涝灾害增加了钩体病疫源地的强度 ;增加了人与动物感染的危险因素 ;为做到灾后无大疫 ,应及时进行监测与控制。
Objective To investigate the affection factors on the epidemic and control of Leptospirosis. Methods Survey with the methods of epidemiology, etiology and molecular biology. Results It indicated that the density of mouse was over 12.10 per cent, and the recessive infection rate of people was 13.49 per cent while the infection rate of principal reservoir (pig) was 10.92 percent by the surveillance of Leptospirosis for continuous 4 years. The incidence rate of Leptospirosis increased inapparently, but there were the incorrected diagnosis and report. In addition, the epidemic sources of leptospirosis was found in the area reported no Leptospirosis for many years. Conclusions The flood and water lopping increased the epidemical intensity of leptospirosis in epidemic area and risk factors for people and livestock infected. Survey and control promptly should be carried out, during flood and water logging.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention
国家重点科技项目 (卫生部科技司专项基金资助卫科教规划发 [2 0 0 0 ]第 12号文 )