食盐加碘是预防碘缺乏病的有效措施。食盐加碘的形式有碘酸钾和碘化钾 2种 ,由于前者的性质较后者稳定 ,故世界卫生组织推荐采用碘酸钾作为食盐加碘的主要形式。但一些文献报告了不同剂量的碘酸钾对人体会造成不同的影响 ,大剂量摄入还会造成机体一些组织器官的损害。查阅近几十年的一些相关文献 ,专家们普遍认为 ,由食盐摄入体内的碘酸钾处于极微小的剂量范围 ,长期摄入对人体是安全的。
Iodized salt is recognized as an effective intervention for control of IDD. Potassium iodate and potassium iodide are two major additives of iodized salt. Because the stability of iodate rather than iodide, WHO preferentially recommended iodate as an additives to salt. However, different doses of iodate may have different effects on the body. A large amount of dose of iodate may have toxic influence on some organs and tissues. By means of reviewing papers published in recent years , many studies demonstrated that the recommended concentration of iodate in salt is too low to give rise to any adverse effects on the health of human beings.There is no doubt in the safety of iodized salt.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology