5Human Factors- Harmonization Working Group. Flight Crew Error/Flight Crew Performance Considerations in the Flight Deck Certification Process, Human Factors-HWG Final Report, 2004.
6Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group. Statistical Summary of Commercial Jet Airplane Accidents:Worldwide Operations 1959 -2007. Seattle WA : Boeing,2008.
7Civil Aviation Authority. Global Fatal Accident Review 1997 - 2006 ( CAP 776 ), London, Civil Aviation Authority, 2008.
8Federal Aviation Regulations. Part 25 - Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Airplanes, Amendment 138,2013.
9European Aviation Safety Agency. Certification Specifica- tions for Large Aeroplanes ( CS-25 ) , Amendment 3,2007.
10Federal Aviation Administration. 14 CFR Part 25, Section 25. 1302, Installed Systems and Equipment for Use by the Flightcrew ( Amendment 25 - 138 ). Federal Register, 2013,Vol. 78, No. 86:25840-25846.