北京西山侏罗纪煤田开采中常产生强烈的破坏性冲击地压 ,是各煤矿生产中严重的井下安全隐患 ,成为本市十大工业灾害之一。本文作者在多年的地质灾害调查和对京西煤炭开采历史进行分析的基础上 ,结合西山地质构造特点提出 ,冲击地压发生时常伴随明显的矿震。矿震的强度受煤质和煤层顶底板性质、地质构造和区域应力场、煤田开采技术和开采深度等因素制约。破坏性矿震除直接对矿山安全生产和矿工生命造成直接的危害外 ,还常与采矿有关的矿山塌陷等地质灾害相伴发生 ,对地面居民地建筑物和居民的生命财产安全构成威胁。认为各井田以保安煤柱 (或煤带 )为采掘对象的生产活动是促发矿震的主要人为扰动因素 ,建议在有计划地搬迁地表居民地后规划开采 ,否则应立即强令禁止。
Intensive geopressure shock often happens during the mining of Jurassic coalfield in Western Hills of Beijing. It is the important hidden danger of the coal mining, and became one of the ten most serious industrial disasters of Beijing Municipality. On the basis of author's many years survey on the geological disasters as well as the analysis on coal mining history and features of geological structure of Western Hills, the author pointed out that the accurrence of geopressure shock is often accompanied by significant mining induced earthquake. The strength of mining induced earthquake is constrained by many factors, such as the quality of coal, the feature of roof and floor of coal bed, geological structure and regional stress field, as well as the mining technique and depth. The destructive mining induced earthquake threatens not only the life of miner and safety of mining, but also the life and properties of inhabitants as well as surface construction; because the occurrence of mining related geological hazards, such as mine collapse and so on, are often accompanied with mining induced earthquake. The mining of safety pillars and beds is the main man made disturbing factor for mining induced earthquake. Therefore, wesuggest that the mining of safety pillars should be prohibited or it can be done only after removing the surface inhabitants.
Beijing Geology
geopressure shock
mining induced earthquake
safety pillar
geological disaster
Jurassic coalfield
Western Hills of Beijing