张之洞把兴学育才作为强国安邦的重大举措 ,一生与教育结下了不解之缘。他改造旧式书院、创设各类新式学堂、派遣留学生、构建中国近代教育体制 ,开我国近代教育之先河。他不仅是中国近代的大教育家 ,而且同时堪称中国近代教育的先驱。
Zhang Zhi dong looked advocating education and training talents as a important way to strengthen a country.He was connected with education very closely in his life.He reformed the old academies of classical learning,created kinds of new schools,sent students studying abroad,set up the system of modern education of China and opened the door of modern education of China as the first person.Not only could be called modern educator of China,but also could be called forerunner.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University