国际机制是否为独立变量 ?国际机制的作用体现在哪些方面 ,其局限性何在 ?这些问题关乎国际机制作用的评价 ,但国际机制理论迄今未曾做出明确的回答 ,各理论流派的认识差别甚大 ,不存在统一的认识基础。笔者认为 ,自 2 0世纪 90年代中期以来 ,中国学术界对国际机制理论的介绍已经相对充分 ,应该转向理论创新阶段。对这些问题的提出和初步解答 。
Are international regimes an independent variable in global affairs? What functions do they serve? What are their limitations? Up to the present, no definite answers to these theoretical questions have been furnished, which are fundamental in evaluating international regimes. Little consensus exists in this field, and interpretations vary. The author holds that Chinese scholars should now begin to bring forth new theoretical ideas since this body of Western knowledge has already been adequately introduced to Chinese readers since the mid 1990s. The raise of the questions and their tentative answers just serve to induce more valuable contributions from fellow scholars.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies