军队中小医院人才匮乏问题十分严重。对医院全面建设发展极为不利 ,应采取标本兼治之法加以解决。治标宜巧用八法 :育青、用老、代理、扩招 ,引进、栓留、优组、提高 ,以解燃眉之急 ;治本宜减庙拢僧壮大阵容 。
The problem of scarcity of talents is severely in the middle and small military hospitals, it disbennifits the development of the hospital. To solve this problem, we should train the youth, use the old, substitute, enlarge recruit, introduce, remain, optimize, boost to solve an extremely urgency, reduce units and enlarge staff to meet the future need.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army