通过有机磷杀虫剂毒死蜱与生物源农药阿维菌素混配制剂对美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyzasativae室内毒力实验 ,测定共毒系数为 16 5~ 2 34,处于明显增效范围内。据此确定最佳配比和次佳配比 ,配制该增效混剂 30 %渗透型可湿性粉剂 1和 2 ,在山东防治美洲斑潜蝇幼虫的田间试验表明药效优良。制剂用量 5 0g 6 6 7m2 药后 3,7,11天 ,两可湿粉的校正防效分别为90 4 3%~ 91 71%和 87 0 9%~ 90 5 3% ,可湿粉 1用量 2 5g 6 6 7m2 防效为 85 96 %~ 88 2 8% ,可湿粉 2用量 37 5g 6 6 7m2 相应校正防效为 84 0 1%~ 85 38% ,两增效混剂防治斑潜蝇速效性和持效性皆佳 ,成本有所下降 ,且对南美洲斑潜蝇L .huido brensis亦有较好防效。使用可湿粉与乳油相比较可减少投放入环境的化学品数量。
The co toxicity co efficiency (CTC) of a series of mixtures of abamectin as a biological pesticide, and chlorpyrifos as a phosphate insecticide with low toxicity to mammals, were determined with respect to the leafminer Liriomyza sativae . CTC of these mixtures was equal to 165-234 and within a range of marked synergism. According to the maximum and submaximum of proper proportions of chlorpyrifos to abamectin, two synergistically mixed, 30% permeated formulations, WP 1 and WP 2, were manufactured. Field trials showed that both compounds were highly effective in controlling L. sativae larvae. At an application rate of 50?g/667m 2, the corrected mortalities of WP 1 and WP 2 after 3, 7 and, 11 days were 90 43%-91 71% and 87 09%-90 53% respectively; at 25 g/667m 2, the corresponding control effects of WP 1 were 85 96%-88 28%; and at 37 5?g/667m 2, the corrected mortality of WP 2 was 84 01%-85 38%. These synergistic mixtures were fast acting, had good residual performance and were economical to use. In addition, 30% WP 1 was also effective in controlling L. huidobrensis . The advantage of using WP over EC is that less toxic substances are released into the environment.
Acta Entomologica Sinica
国家应急项目 (96 0 0 5 0 1 12 )
中国科学院重点项目 (NK96 0 5 3 1)