《故事新编》以愤世嫉俗的强烈讽喻性构成自己的美学力量。理想精神的解体、消亡与“小东西”们的鱼活伶俐 ,在作品中始终是相反相成的统一体 ,这是鲁迅关于中国古今社会史的独特发现和中心表达。其跨越时空、古今指涉的艺术意蕴 ,主要依赖于“杂文”意识的渗透 ,小说的作意和文体 ,在整体上都富于杂文意识。中国“五四”后的新历史小说在其发展进程中 ,从三四十年代的创作到“新历史主义”小说 ,与《故事新编》都有割舍不断的承传关系。
Old Tales Retold displays its aesthetical force with cynical allegory. The disintegration and withering away of idealist spirit and the liveliness of “the small things” runs throughout these stories providing a unity of opposites, which represents Lu Xun's unique discoveries in the expression of the history of Chinese ancient and modern societies. The artistic importance of this work which transcends temporal and space limitations is derived from the pervasion of “essay” consciousness and fictional conceptions and style. China's new historical novels after the May Fourth Movement have inseparable relations with Old Tales Retold . This includes literary creations ranging from those written during the 1930s and 1940s to novels of the “new historicism”. They also provide modern readers with positive and negative artistic experiences that are well worth their attention.
Social Sciences in China