可靠性的经济性评估可分为 3个层次。第 1层次是将电力系统作为一个整体 ,研究投资与可靠性之间的关系 ;第 2层次是将社会作为一个整体 ,研究提高可靠性的收益与停电损失之间的关系 ;第 3层次以供电企业为整体 ,研究可靠性承诺与赔偿之间的关系。文中提出适合国情的城网可靠性承诺 /赔偿方法 ,可用于城网改造的效益评估。该方法基于成本 /效益分析法 ,按市场经济原则对电力这种特殊商品的价格进行分析。新方法将电价机制与可靠性有机地结合起来 ,为建立优质优价、停电赔偿的新电价体制提供了理论支持 。
The economical efficiency of reliability can be evaluated based on three levels. The first level coordinates relationship between investment benefit and reliability, dealing with the power system as a whole. The second level coordinates relationship between reliability benefit and outage cost due to unreliability, dealing with the society as a whole. The third level coordinates relationship between reliability promise and compensation for customers provided by power supply enterprises, dealing with the enterprise as a whole. A novel method named reliability promise/compensation method suitable in China is proposed in this paper. The method can evaluate the efficiency of city network reconstruction. As a special commodity, the price of electricity should be analyzed with consideration of the rules of market economy based on economic cost/benefit analysis. So electricity price mechanism must be established with consideration of reliability. The proposed method provides help for building new electricity price mechanism based on high price for high quality and interruption compensation, and provides theoretical support for new electricity price mechanism. The new method would provide win-win results for customers and utilities.
Automation of Electric Power Systems