农药残留超标是目前影响我国果蔬质量和食品安全性的一大问题。笔者以农药百菌清为研究对象 ,利用不同质量浓度的臭氧 ,采用不同作用时间 ,进行了百菌清降解试验。试验中发现 ,臭氧初始质量浓度为1.4 mg.L-1时 ,在 0~ 15 min内百菌清残留率快速下降 ,至 15 min时已降至原有量的 4 0 ,之后随着放置时间的延长百菌清的降解程度并无明显增加 ;当臭氧初始质量浓度为 7.0 mg.L-1时 ,5 min后百菌清降解率几乎为 10 0 ;臭氧与百菌清混合后适当的振荡 ,有利于百菌清的降解。试验结果表明 ,臭氧有完全降解百菌清的可能。
Pesticide remnant is a big problem affected on the quality and security of fruits and vegetables. The effect of ozone on chlorothalonil with different concentration and operation time were studied. When the initial concentration of ozone was 1 4 mg·L -1 , within 15 min remnant level declined rapidly, the level was 40 % of the original in 15 min, after that the reducing level would not declined obviously; chlorothalonil was almost none after 5 min operation at the initial concentration of ozone was 7 mg·L -1 ; it was good practice to surge chlorothalonil. Experiments showed that chlorothalonil would be decomposed completely.
Journal of China Agricultural University