本试验设计引入正交试验,优选前激肽酶测定的最适条件,根据极差 R 值的大小.发现底物浓度是诸因素中的重要因素,并对其详加考查.在此基础上,建立了简单,快速,可靠的速率法.并进行了必要的方法学评价,同时,对一些实验现象作了研讨.
The paper adopts orthogonal design in order to select a better condition of determing prekallikrein.According to'R',we find substrate concentration is a important factor and Rave made further researeh about it in the meantime Finally,we set up such a simple,prompt and reliable way which has been dealed with statistical methods,were discussed.some experimental phenomenon.