传统沥青铺面存在积水、破坏环境等问题。透水沥青铺面的使用对传统路面的设计思想提出了挑战 ,它可以彻底解决传统沥青铺面存在的问题 ,具有良好的社会和经济效益。近期可在城市道路、小型广场和公路的特殊路段上推广使用。
The traditional asphalt paving realizes issues such as accumulative water, environment destruction. The design for the traditional pavement faces the challenge from using the prorous asphalt paving, which can be used for solving thoroughly problems for traditional asphalt pavement, and is of good social and economic benefits. This paving can be introduced to the municipal road, Small Square and special sections of highways.
Highways & Transportation in Inner Mongolia