A im in g at the detection o f e le c tro p h ilic organic m atter con ce n tra tio n , using ra dioactive or no n-ra dioa ctive sources to producelarge amounts o f low energy hot e le ctro n , th is paper proposes a lin e a r electron capture response system. The system uses P ID autom aticadjustm ent to achieve constant cu rre n t fre que ncy m odulation. A cco rd in g to the le ve l o f e le c tro p h ilic organic m a tter co n ce n tra tio n , w h ich is thenu m ber o f electrons tra p p e d , it achieves con trol o f pulse frequency change a u tom a tically by a closed-loop feedback c irc u it to absorb theele ctro n ic fie ld in te n sity and keeps cu rre n t co lle ctio n c o n s ta n tly , and tracks and adjusts the baseline d rift a u to m a tica lly, so as to im prove andenhance the de tection s e n s itiv ity , lin e a rity and lin e a r range. The experim ental results show that the system has the advantage o f high detections e n s itiv ity , q u a n tita tive precision and w ide lin e a r range. In a d d itio n , the system leaves a varie ty o f com m unication in te rfa ce s, and providesthe basis fo r the increase o f in te llig e n t instrum ent.
Wang Yongjun;Huang Yuqing;Hu Wenjun(Shanghai Shangjiqunli Analytical Instrument Co. , Ltd, Shanghai 201107, China;Shanghai Institute of Computing Technology, Shanghai 200040 , China;Shanghai Shenteng Information Technology Co. , Ltd, Shanghai 200040, China)
Computer Applications and Software
Electron capture
Constant current frequency modulation voltage
Closed-loop control