为探索丁香酚对真鲷(Pagrosomus major)(♀)×黑鲷(Acanthopagrus schlegelii)(■)杂交子一代的麻醉效果,作者研究了麻醉剂浓度、温度、鱼体规格对鱼体麻醉和复苏的影响,不同麻醉浓度下鱼体呼吸频率的变化,以及麻醉时间和空气中暴露时间对鱼体复苏的影响。结果表明,丁香酚质量浓度为30 mg/L时,对杂交鱼具最佳麻醉效果;温度对丁香酚麻醉效力具有促进作用;麻醉和复苏时间受鱼体规格的影响较小,小规格杂交鱼对丁香酚耐受性稍强;丁香酚质量浓度≤20 mg/L对呼吸频率没有明显影响,质量浓度≥30 mg/L,呼吸频率迅速下降;鱼体在30 mg/L的丁香酚溶液中麻醉时间不宜超过14 min;深度麻醉状态下,空气中暴露9 min以内不会引起鱼死亡。研究将为杂交鱼活体操作和转移运输提供参考。
This study investigated the efficacy of eugenol as an anesthetic for F1 hybrids between Pagrosomus major (♀) and Acanthopagrus schlegelii (♂). We observed the performance of F1 hybrids exposed to different eugenol dosages and temperature and explored the impact of anesthesia time, body weight, and air exposure duration on anesthesia. Results showed that induction period was shorter at higher dosages. Inducing and recoveringF1 hybrids took a short time at 30 mg/L of eugenol, which was supposed to be the optimal dosage for the anesthetic bath. Higher temperatures appear to augment the anesthetic effect; there was a large degree of reduction of induction and recovery time with increasing temperature. Body weight had no significant effects on induction and recovery, but small body sizes appeared more resistant to eugenol. Respiratory rates of F1 hybrids decreased at afaster rate in higher concentration baths. No significant effects on respiratory rates were observed at dosages ≤20 mg/L.After inducing stage A3 at higher doses, there was an inhibition of the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata that led toa rapid decline of respiratory rates. Anesthetic bath held for more than 14 min may lead to mortality. Exposure of deeply anesthetized F1 hybrids to air for less than 9 min did not cause death, and the shortest possible time needed for recovery when exposed was 4 min. These results can provide information for vivisection and transportation of F1 hybrids.
Marine Sciences