
使用白色结构光编码的三维几何发型重建 被引量:3

3D Geometric Hair Reconstruction Using White Structure-of-Light Coding
摘要 为了实现对头发区域三维模型的快速精确重建,对发型建模提供可行技术方案,利用白色结构光技术搭建三维发型采集系统,并提出一种高频二值条纹的结构光编码算法.该系统使用了4台自制的白色结构光扫描仪,通过预先配置空间位置实现对头部区域的有效覆盖,并利用高频二值条纹编码算法在1s内采集头部数据,提高结构光条纹边缘可辨识度,实现亚像素级数据精度,之后快速重建出包括发型在内的三维头部网格模型.实验结果表明,重建后的三维发型具有高几何精度,达到了当前最优的毫米级别,并验证了采集系统特别是编码算法的有效性和鲁棒性. In order to achieve accurate and fast3D modeling in hair region,as well as present a feasible technicalscheme for hair modeling,we build a3D geometric data-capturing and reconstruction system based on whitestructure-of-light technique and proposed a robust high frame-rate binary coding algorithm.This system consistsof four self-made structure-of-light scanners,which are configured to effectively cover the whole surface of ahead.Because of the high frame-rate coding algorithm,it could scan the head in1second and improve the boundarydistinctness of projected stripe to obtain sub-pixel data accuracy,and then reconstruct the geometric meshwith hair very quickly.The experiments show that the system produces high-quality3D geometric hair results,achieving the state-of-the-art millimeter level accuracy,and demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of thecoding algorithm.
作者 林帅 宋展 陈寅 吴彤 程志全 Lin Shuai;Song Zhan;Chen Yin;Wu Tong;Cheng Zhiquan(No. 95899 People’s Liberation Army, Beijing 100085;Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518055;PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210007;College of Continuing Education, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073;Hunan Avatar Science Company, Changsha 410205)
出处 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期593-598,共6页 Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
基金 国家自然科学基金(61272334 61375041) 江苏省自然科学基金青年科学基金(BK20150723)
关键词 三维发型 白色结构光 黑色头发 3D geometric hair white structure-of-light black hair
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